"And the seasons, they go round and round" but are marked very differently here in Africa.
Instead of thinking snow in December, you think about Harmattan and hazy skies carrying sand from the Sahara that blocks the sun.
Instead of going skiing, we go the the market and wear silly hats and brightly colored shirts.
The women drool over beautiful beadwork, and contemplate how much weight they have left in their luggage to get the items home.
One thing that's universal at the holidays though is FOOD.
Thanksgiving!! It would take a whole blog post just to tell about the effort it took to get a turkey, delivered hours late because they gave ours to someone else. It arrived on the back of a motorcycle after everyone had left the office. Fortunately the guard helped out and found a refrigerator to put it in.
In between eating, there are classes to be held and babies too.
More manuals arrive, which would be a problem, except they seem to be going out as soon as they arrive.
Christmas came quickly on the heels of Thanksgiving.
There was a special program for the Area Employees including singing and a dinner. The Area Choir was much more lively and fun than the Sr. Missionary Choir. But it gave us front row seats next to them.
More great food was involved, but no turkeys this time!
Teams were formed and "football" games ensued.
Back at the library, word games and more food.
We made some of Ryan Emmett's "green death" Mexican dip, but didn't tell them what it was called. It was a huge hit.
Minata, who just started coming to the library, was so excited to tell us about her progress and about sharing what she has learned with her children at home.
With January approaching and decisions to be made about implementing Gospel Literacy with the change in the Sunday schedule in 2019, meetings near and far took place
in order to council together.

This group with the Area Presidency, Elders Nash, Dube' and Martinez, met to view a video clip from the filming here just before the Salt Lake group left for home. They also let us know, after talking with church leaders, that the Gospel Literacy classes could not take place during the 2 hour Sunday meeting time in 2019. There were other meetings with various Stake Presidents throughout West Africa to get their thoughts about when to meet. We have so grown to love the power and tremendous inspiration that comes by meeting in "councils!!"
Come what may, the Gospel Literacy Program was officially announced on Dec. 14th with a Notice, Implementation Guide and Rollout Phase 1, 2 and 3. No longer in pilot phase!!!!
Back on the road to Takoradi and a Stake Training there.
With follow up in classes on Sunday.
Such lovely, dear ladies!
They express their gratitude with such love.
Out to Assin Foso for what we thought would be "two units," meaning Wards in our minds. Turned out to be two Stakes!

Traveling outside of Accra has it's hazards.
We can't imagine how this truck ended up clear off the road.
We and another missionary couple with our brand new cars, and we have no idea when we got these "shiners" in town. There are so many opportunities, really!!

Sunday transportation!
Early morning water crew at the stand pipe.
Community created speed bump.
Near or far, wherever your roads take you, watch out for the speed bumps. And may the Holy Ghost be your guide.
"For behold..if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do.|"
2 Nephi 32:5
"Afehyia pa"
"For behold..if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do.|"
2 Nephi 32:5
"Afehyia pa"
Meaning: "The New Year has met us. Let's thank God."