Wednesday, May 30, 2018

They Have Arrived!!

They have arrived, both the church published manuals and a few members of the Salt Lake Literacy Focus Group!  It's just sinking in that these are the first church published Literacy Manuals in the world that are part of the Sunday School curriculum and they are here in West Africa. It's pretty miraculous how quickly this has all transpired, even though it has felt slow to us at times. 

When we say the manuals "arrived," it was only digitally. Everything was printed by local printers, both professional and non-professional, although engineering proposals should qualify one for the work.  It took one day to get the small student manuals published here where it would have taken months back in the US. This is NOT the usual order of things here in Africa!!

At the same time all of this was going on, Alex was going through surgery after taking a fall a couple weeks ago while climbing in Zion, breaking one ankle and a thumb, spraining the other ankle and suffering cuts, bruises and loosing consciousness. 

2 weeks after the fall but before surgery. 

After surgery and anesthesia.

Sparing you the gruesome details we feel there were angels watching over him as it could have been so much worse!
Fortunately one of his "other mothers," his sister Sarah and family nearby are taking good care of him.  

So while that was going on at home, we were involved in "post-assessments," of pilot groups who have been learning with the first Gospel Literacy materials.

Many of them brought their well used, loved manuals with them.

Cecilia and a couple others from Engage Now Africa who we traveled with at the beginning of the mission, came to assist. 
I didn't get a picture, but they handed out some of the glasses that you sent as needed to the older students.

The first assessment was held on Thursday in the cafeteria at the area offices, so we enlisted Henrietta and Juliet who run the area offices cafeteria to provide boxed meals for the participants.

While students worked hard...

I held any fussing babies I could get my hands on.

This little boy, yes in pink, is only one month old, and such a smiler. He had me hook, line and sinker!

Friday was another assessment with students from two Stakes.  

It was a much larger group and it kept us all hopping, no time for holding babies. But I could still look.


We were all pretty tuckered out by the end of the day.

There were too many details to list where we felt the Lord's hand in the details of all the events. The meals were just one of those. It was hard to figure out how many meals would be need so we just estimated our best and went by our promptings. On Thursday, there were 2 meals left over so we put them in the frig. As we were wrapping up, one of the security guards came to us and asked if there was any food available as there was a woman outside asking for food. 
For Friday, we arranged boxed meals for 80, and there were just enough left for us to eat as we sat to evaluate the days events. 

Saturday was a new Stake Training for the Ofankor Stake, more like what we are used to doing. 
The Heckels who wrote the original manuals did some additional training and it took a good part of the day. We learned so much from them, it was really wonderful!! 

We worked in groups, teaching and learning the principle of "counseling together."

Felicia on the right, another incredible teacher!! 

This is the group of teachers and Sunday School leaders. Chuck and Brother Heckel met with the Priesthood leaders in another group.

We arranged to have 60 meals delivered, but they only brought 46, which turned out to be just the right amount for everyone.  It seems like such a small things, but is so indicative of the numerous tender mercies we experienced over the week.

On Sunday we followed up with one of the wards in the Ofankor Stake, continuing to learn about "counseling together." 
It's incredible to witness the inspiration that cames through each person as they share their experiences and we learn from one another how to minister in the Savior's way. 

" Appoint among yourselves a teacher, and let not all be spokesmen at once; but let one speak at a time and let all listen unto his sayings, that when all have spoken that all may be edified of all."  Doctrine and Covenenants 88:122

 Amasaman 2 Ward leaders after the Bishop's Council meeting.

 Samuel is one of the first teachers we met when we arrived. He will be helping in the teacher training videos and attended some of the training in preparation. We got to meet his lovely family.

 Evangeline, another awesome teacher on the right.

Almost 6 months in Africa and we feel like we're beginning to get our groove on.  So grateful to be here among such delightsome people!!

We're off to Kumasi for a few days with the Heckels. It's the Wardle's old stomping grounds about 4-5 hours north of Accra. It will be the biggest stake training so far. Wish us well!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Mother's Day and Koforidua

Sorry we missed a week as we were in Koforidua last week-end, more about that later. 
So we pick back up a week ago Tuesday with Senior Missionary Zone Conference, the last for President Vinson and his wife, from Australia (front on the left) who will be leaving to serve in the presidency of the seventy in Salt Lake. Elder Nash with his wife (front right) will be the new area President.  We've quickly grown to love these delightful, wonderful people.  They truly are the "salt of the earth."

We missed our students at the library that day and when we returned on Thursday, they presented me with sweet Mother's Day letters that they had written, almost made me cry. To top that off, we met sweet Emma on our way out, the little girl who comes to the library for reading classes, and got an awesome hug. Two more  hugs from little ones that day on the temple grounds and I felt like I had received Mother's Day by proxy. Such tender mercies as the Lord knows our hearts desires!

This wonderful man, Sadia from Ivory Coast showed up at our office asking about our Literacy materials. He has a love for teaching Literacy and has been teaching adults in his home since 2005 to anyone who wanted to learn. He said he has taught about 500 students in that time, French is the national language there. The exciting part is that we have been asked to be on the lookout for the right French speakers to help with reviewing the Gospel Literacy manuals that are being translated into French, and he shows up at our door. He was speaking perfect English, so we were confused at first until he explained. He wanted to use the English manuals we have just for ideas for now. (He asked for a picture so he could show the people in Ivory Coast that "Literacy" is coming).

We really love this scripture:
 "For I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you to bear you up." Doctrine and Covenants 84:88  
Things happen daily when we pay attention and remind us that the Lord is guiding this work. 

Saturday morning, we left for Koforidua, about 2 1/2 hours north east of Accra. The Haglunds are the MLS, Member Leader Support Missionaries there and invited us to come in support of the Literacy efforts in this area.  It's "out in the bush."

We went out to view Bodi Falls and Umbrella rock, (in their 4 wheel drive vehicle). 

Past a rural cemetery.

And then to the market for groceries. There are no stores as we know them here in Koforidua.

Can't pass up a fabric store without taking a look. 
It's actually quite overwhelming!  

The Haglunds just have a couple weeks left so we went with them on a few visits to say their goodbyes.  One particularly hard one was an elderly lady in the hospital. The hospitals here don't provide food or laundry service. So if your family can't get there to help, you are out of luck. She hadn't had a meal in two days. 

We picked avocados from the trees. 

On Sunday we visited a new Literacy class that the Haglunds helped get started because of two young men who are new members and want to learn English.  They were "street boys" having no family when a member friend of theirs invited them to church. We didn't get pictures, but they have a teacher and good members who are helping them along. Two more students have joined the class as well. Isaac and Godson used to peddle scrap metal but are now learning welding. They are really special young men!!  Wish we had their picture, we get involved and forget.

We also visited Beatrice that afternoon who is a new Gospel Literacy teacher for another Branch. She has been studying the manuals and will start teaching her new class next Sunday. 

Then we stopped to talk with Beatrice's newly called Branch President, a member of just barely one year. He asked us to pray for him. Amazing people of faith!!

And I really can't pass up an opportunity to hold babies when offered the chance.

The Haglunds had arranged for us to meet with their Stake President and his Council and answer a few questions about the Gospel Literacy Organization in the church and offer encouragement and support, "planting seeds."

Sunday night we stopped with them to visit two more older ladies who are having vision problems because of the new supply of glasses that you have provided. One of the ladies has been the "reader" in church but can't see well enough anymore.We hoped that the stronger glasses might help.  With questionable results, Sister Haglund decided to take them to see an eye Dr. they know  on Monday morning and discovered that one of them has cataracts and the other has glaucoma.  They accepted the diagnosis as most people here do, with trust and faith that God loves them and all will be well one day. 
Before we left to go back to Accra, Elder Haglund worked with the man who takes care of their yard as he has been learning to ride a bike with one arm.  

He is a member who walks 45 minutes to get to the church.  He is delightful and so pleased about his new skill.

Back at the library on Thursday we got hit with a downpour and had to move inside the containers.

We pulled out a Dr. Seuss book and read "Are you my mother."  Since their language skills have improved so much we spent some time just talking which we couldn't really do a lot of before. We learned that Mary, on the right travels 4 plus hours each way by tro tro, to get the the library.  Bertha travels 2 hours each way. They have never mentioned it before or complained about it. Our small sacrifice pales in comparison. 

Sunday, today we decided to go back to our "home ward" to see how their class is coming along and found that it was Stake Conference where 10-12 wards get together in one location.  We usually try to avoid these as we want to spend time in the Literacy classes which aren't held at Stake Conference. 
Members met here and traveled to the Stake Center by tro tro.  It turned out that they had more people than space, so we packed our car full, and along with another missionary couple who showed up  because they didn't realize either, managed to get everyone a ride who needed one.  Once again, the Lord is on our right hand and on our left, Divine Design.

               Following the tro tro through the narrow streets.  

We sat about half way back and the place was packed. It was wonderful and we were so glad to be there!! 
Their choir was fabulous!!  Ahhh, great way to start the week.